100 Weeks of Scotland: River City

Picture: BBC ScotlandPicture: BBC Scotland
Picture: BBC Scotland
I am fully aware that to most people outside Scotland, this week’s series of images will mean absolutely nothing. Since first appearing on our screens in the autumn of 2002, and after the inevitable teething troubles that all soaps have to contend with, ‘River City’ soon established itself as a favourite throughout the country.

Again, like all soaps, it is not to everyone’s taste, but its characters are familiar to most.

These images are publicity images from a River City anniversary programme made by Solus Productions of Glasgow. The show combines past and present cast members to celebrate the on-going success of the programme.

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The cast presently boasts two of Scotland’s best loved entertainers, Una McLean and Johnny Beattie, as well as a large and ever-changing cast both up-and-coming and well-established actors. After the sad demise of Taggart, River City is the only long running drama in Scotland and as such is an incredibly important employer of not only actors but also crew and production staff.

• Alan McCredie began the ‘100 weeks of Scotland’ website in October last year, and it will conclude in Autumn 2014. McCredie’s goal is to chronicle two years of Scottish life in the run-up to the independence referendum.

McCredie says ‘one hundred weeks...’ is intended to show all sides of the country over the next two years. On the site, he says: “Whatever the result of the vote Scotland will be a different country afterward. These images will show a snapshot of the country in the run up to the referendum.

“The photos will be of all aspects of Scottish culture - politics, art, social issues, sport and anything else that catches the eye.”

Follow the project at www.100weeksofscotland.com. You can also follow Alan on Twitter.

All pictures (c) Alan McCredie/ 100 weeks of Scotland