Family: Perth's Leisure Pool has something for water babies of any age

I think I must have given birth to mermaids. My two appear to be at their happiest in water. One of our favourite watering holes is Perth Leisure Pool as granny Evelyn lives nearby.

There is free parking and a great outdoor playground which we never seem to be able to pass by. We try to limit it to an essential quick scamper on our way back to the car.

Once we make it inside, we like to check out how the fish in the tank in the wall are getting on before we gallop down the spiral stairs to the mixed changing room. A great plus point about the pool is under fives get in for free and there are reasonable family tickets available.

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However, my only bugbear is the changing cabins and lockers are tiny. It is hard enough to take kids swimming without having to imitate Harry Houdini in an attempt to get into your swimmers. However, the impossibly cheerful yellow partitions restore me to a good mood as they remind me of The Beatles' Yellow Submarine.

Then you head to the pools. There are six in total, for various abilities and levels of water confidence.

There is the shallow area, with a Monkey Jungle theme for the tinies. It has a slide and a crocodile and water jets plus a huge pumpkin thing that fills up and dumps water on your head.

Hope loves ducking under the water in the Kiddies Lagoon and diving for imaginary treasure. She never tires of whooshing down the slide.