Jason Leitch takes on Piers Morgan: 'I'm not sure where you got your masters in public health from Piers'

Piers Morgan Picture: Ian West/PA WirePiers Morgan Picture: Ian West/PA Wire
Piers Morgan Picture: Ian West/PA Wire | PA (Press Association)
Jason Leitch snapped back at Piers Morgan in a tense morning show discussion on COVID-19

Professor Jason Leitch, Scotland’s National Clinical Director, appeared on ITV’s Good Morning Britain to discuss the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and ended up clashing with presenter Piers Morgan.

The discussion focused on the UK and Scottish Government response to the coronavirus outbreak, with the professor explaining the importance of co-operation and collaboration between affected countries and the World Health Organisation.

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Responding to Morgan’s critique during a chat on the efficacy of banning mass gatherings, Professor Leitch replied: “I’m not sure where you got your masters in public health from Piers.”

Professor Leitch appeared on the morning show after yesterday saw a rise of 32 more confirmed cases in Scotland bringing the total up to 153.

The Scottish Government has been advising the public to self isolate if displaying even mild symptoms, and all mass gatherings involving over 500 people have been banned.