Food: Cottage industry

Meet the Edinburgh chefs keen to invite you into their fairy-tale abode for a magical feast

The cottage is fringed by hedges, with a moss-covered path up to its black door. You may have noticed this perfectly symmetrical Hansel and Gretel-esque place, if you’ve ever wandered along Edinburgh’s London Road, and asked yourself – who lives there? The answer is, nobody. It was once the home of Royal Terrace Gardens’ last resident gardener, and then his widow, until she died around five years ago. Since then, it’s been occupied by spiders and, latterly, squatters.

Sad, if you consider that this single-storey, B-listed property, like Royal Terrace (just behind Royal Terrace Gardens, in which this cottage is situated), was designed by William Playfair and built in 1836.

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