A voice recognition device for Scots ahead of Euro 2020? Sorry.

Clive Tyldesley will allow fans to settle football arguments and brush up on their football knowledge during the Euro 2020 tournament with the help of Amazon’s Alexa - but Scots fans might be left confused by some of the answers. Photo: Dan Wong Photography.Clive Tyldesley will allow fans to settle football arguments and brush up on their football knowledge during the Euro 2020 tournament with the help of Amazon’s Alexa - but Scots fans might be left confused by some of the answers. Photo: Dan Wong Photography.
Clive Tyldesley will allow fans to settle football arguments and brush up on their football knowledge during the Euro 2020 tournament with the help of Amazon’s Alexa - but Scots fans might be left confused by some of the answers. Photo: Dan Wong Photography.
Fans of the BBC Scotland comedy Burnistoun will be aware of the challenges posed to Scots by voice recognition devices (confused readers should Google "Burnistoun lift" - and brace for some strong language - if they wish to be enlightened).

So it was with some anxiety that we learned renowned ITV football commentator Clive Tyldesley had prepared a number of answers for Amazon's Alexa device, to help users of the voice-activated gadget brush up on their football knowledge ahead of Euro 2020. Would we even be able to make our question understood?

Initially, it seemed unlikely. The Scotsman's first attempt to ask "Alexa: what is Scotland s record against England?" was met with a one word response - "Sorry".

Was this Alexa's actual - damning - answer?

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Apparently not. A second attempt summoned Tyldesley's tones, noting - to nobody's surprise - that he was English... but also that his wife was Scottish, and she had 41 victories to recall fondly.

He chose to dwell on the win Scotland enjoyed over England in 1967, recalling Jim Baxter casually juggling the ball during Scotland's 3-2 win over the world champions. Happy memories for some of our readers, we are sure.

Although we urge you not to ask a subsequent question about England's record over Scotland, lest your revery be interrupted by Tyldesley's recollection of 1996, Gazza, and a dentist's chair celebration.

Sorry, indeed.