Leaders: Energy price blame war must end

Picture: PAPicture: PA
Picture: PA
If the heat being generated by the debate over energy prices could be captured, it would certainly keep a lot of homes warm this winter.

Latest to put fuel on the fire is SSE, warning that a green policy initiative is set to add an average of £26 to household bills by 2015.

The company is attempting to force public attention back on the government as the villain of the high energy bill piece. That is unsurprising, given the battering that all of the big six firms have taken following Labour leader Ed Miliband’s spotlighting of them by his price cap pledge, and the animosity towards SSE after it announced price rises of 8.2 per cent due next month.

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The Chief Executive of SSE, Alistair Phillips-Davies, is quite right to bring out in to the open the need for a debate about what kind of energy we as a society want, progressive or cheap, or somewhere in the middle, in a balancing of the two.