Readers' Letters: Wishing it can't make Scotland a Nordic success

In the wake of political economist Mark Blyth’s accurate view of the financial impact of Scotland becoming independent, SNP deputy leader Keith Brown takes issue: “The evidence is overwhelming that other independent countries in Europe like Ireland, Norway and Sweden are all fairer, wealthier and more productive than the UK.” This is all that SNP politics is based on, no facts and figures, no evidence, only emotion.
SNP MSP Keith Brown says a solo Scotland could match the success of Nordic countries (Picture: John Devlin)SNP MSP Keith Brown says a solo Scotland could match the success of Nordic countries (Picture: John Devlin)
SNP MSP Keith Brown says a solo Scotland could match the success of Nordic countries (Picture: John Devlin)

But, the countries Mr Brown mentions are not like Scotland. They are proud nations with enviable cultures, self-reliance and patriotism. The SNP, with its strategy of division, blame, anger, hatred and its priority to destroy the United Kingdom, has ensured its politics has had the opposite effect in dividing its people and communities and destroying pride.

It could all have been so different had SNP politicians acted on behalf of all Scots to create harmony and pride in its leaders. They have blown it.

Douglas Cowe, Kingseat, Aberdeenshire

Pots and kettles

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It was impossible not to laugh helplessly after reading Stan Grodynski’s contribution (Letters, 26 March). He complains angrily of “the historically oft-repeated Labour con trick of indicating how things will be improved under Labour without providing explanations as to where the necessary money is going to come from”. But wait a minute, aren’t there two or three other political parties in Scotland who could be accused of similar “con tricks” on a much larger scale? It’s evident that self-awareness doesn’t feature much in separatist rhetoric.

Martin O’Gorman, Edinburgh

Tydeman’s out

Re: “Ferguson Marine shipyard chief executive David Tydeman sacked amid further delays” (26 March). Yes indeed, why sack the messenger David Tydeman, a naval architect who unlike many of his predecessors has been upfront with the truth about the escalating costs and previous mismanagement. So the lackeys of the owners the SNP Scottish Government never like the truth; I believe the order will have come from on high to get rid of the troublemaker Tydeman. It reinforces my earlier suggestions in this paper that the yard should never receive another Scottish Government order and should be disposed of or simply liquidated Mairi McAllan, the Economy Secretary, must be deluded to believe there is any future for the Ferguson yard. Mr Tydeman’s temporary replacement, apparently a Canadian resident, might as well be The Man in the Moon.

Robin Jack, Edinburgh

Hate speech

That the Deputy First Minister of the devolved administration running Scotland's domestic affairs, Shona Robison, could see fit to threaten – it can only be described as such – an opposition MSP, Stephen Kerr, with remarks like he was “going to fall from a very high place” simply staggers belief (“Tory MSP claims he was ‘threatened’ by SNP minister during row in Holyrood”, 26 March).

Ironically, our freedom is speech is in peril from the same party that would produce ministers who could make such vile remarks. The context is immaterial.

And this is the party putting an ill-conceived Hate Crime Bill into law. You could not make it up.

Alexander McKay, Edinburgh

Test of Hate bill