Neil Findlay rules out Labour leadership bid

Neil Findlay has ruled out a leadership bidNeil Findlay has ruled out a leadership bid
Neil Findlay has ruled out a leadership bid
Jeremy Corbyn's closest ally in Scotland has ruled himself of the running to replace Kezia Dugdale as Labour leader north of the border.

Lothians MSP Neil Findlay, who ran both Mr Corbyn's leadership campaigns in Scotland, says he wants to focus on opposing the SNP and Tories when Holyrood returns next week from the Summer recess.

The left-winger ran against Jim Murphy in 2014, but did not stand when Ms Dugdale won the leadership the following year.

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The MSP said: “I will not be putting put my name forward in this election.

"I wish Kezia and those who may seek to succeed her the very best for the future and I look forward to Parliament returning next week so I can work with my colleagues to hold the SNP to account for their appalling mishandling of our public services, expose the Tories for their shambolic handling of the Brexit process and work towards returning Labour government’s at Holyrood and Westminster that works for the many not the few.”

It leaves the current Deputy leader Alex Rowley as front-runner for the role.

Mr Findlay is convenor of the health and sport committee at Holyrood.