These are the Top 10 ‘cowboy culture’ phrases often used in the UK

Nearly three quarters (73 per cent) of adults would give up their 9-5 life tomorrow, to be a cowboy - or girl - in America instead.

Of 2,000 adults polled, the current cost of living crisis in the UK has left 50 per cent more likely to dream of leaving the country for a simpler, homestead life.

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While 29 per cent would happily swap their lives in Britain for life on a ranch.

It also emerged 30 per cent are so enamoured with the idea of cowboy life, they want to go on a ranching holiday, and 50 per cent enjoy watching western movies and TV shows.

Season 4 gathers Yellowstone fans to their screens

When it comes to what attracts people to life on a ranch, 34 per cent equate the cowboy look - hat, boots, checked shirt and jeans - with the cowboy lifestyle over any other aspect of ranch life.

While 26 per cent named the most appealing aspect of ranch life as the great outdoors, plumping for the fresh air and wide-open spaces above a large ranch house or life on the land.

The study into Brits’ attitudes into modern Western living was commissioned by Paramount+, to celebrate season 4 of the critically-acclaimed series Yellowstone, which saw 11 million viewers tune in when it aired in the US earlier this year.