Rugby: Basement battle is a must-win for Muir

Boroughmuir assistant coach David Officer conceded the elusive win that could kick-start the season for the Meggetland men must come on Saturday in the RBS Premiership basement battle at home to Dundee High.

As has been the case on many occasions in this campaign, ’Muir suffered defeat in a match they could have won when they succumbed 17-12 to Edinburgh Accies in their RBS Edinburgh Regional Cup tie at Raeburn Place.

However, despite the outcome, ’Muir would surely take heart from a performance that almost produced their first victory since September. Indeed, had a try been awarded on either of the two occasions a ’Muir player was held up over the line, or if skipper Andy Rose had not stuck a toe on the touchline as he squeezed over in the corner, the visitors might have emerged on the right side of the result. Yet, on such narrow margins are games won and lost, and Officer is hoping that patience and a focus on doing the basics well will bear fruit this weekend.

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