Weekend Crossword

Today's Grid


1 Birthday? (8,4)

8 Where in France there is pain driving out (7)

9 Deceive member leading ladies astray (7)

11 Have a look inside for some meat (4)

12 Nobleman found a carrot, it's misshapen (10)

14 Recaptured castle alien included (6)

15 Get together during ninth period (8)

17 Lofty had been brought up having noble parents (4-4)

19 It had not been stressed I can't accept ring anyhow (6)

22 Sinner who can expect to be prosecuted? (10)

23 Sandpiper's speed? (4)

25 Puerto Rico colder? More expensive (7)

26 Briskly, notedly so (7)

27 Sagacious triumvirate of early Christmas visitors (5,4,3)


1 Music from in France barely sufficient (7)

2 Landlord stopped short of den (4)

3 Virginia and Gareth's freakish prank (6)

4 Surrendering claim about ramshackle semi in circle (8)

5 Hoyden sits out during fraud (10)

6 Here Tom rewrites proposition (7)

7 Overreact having turn that's exaggerated (2,4,3,3)